Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Oh Dear. Hopefully It's Not Another UFO.

On Monday I had my quilting group's Sit and Sew when the Gift Quilt team work on prepping kits for quilts, cutting batting and backings for kits as well. Members take home kits of their choice and they might stitch blocks together and then return the top for quilting. Some members take the kits which need tops quilting. We have a great team and we've increased our output by about 50% in the past year, with most of the quilts being large enough for teens and adults, and not just cot sized.
  We're having a big presentation of quilts at our December meeting so we had to count and sort all of the quilts we have on hand. There are 125 to be given to 4 groups and we will have donated 338 for the year which is a fabulous amount.
We'd also received some fabric donations which we sorted into colours and amongst the fabric I found all if these pre-cut diamonds. Some of them already had the seam allowance drawn. They were going to go in the UFO box but I decided to take them for another hand stitching project as my large La Passion project is now to big to take with me for Sit and Sews. These stars will give me some stitching to do at meetings and will be another quilt for donation.

 They were obviously someone else's UFO  so I hope they don't become another one of mine. They will be a long term project but that's OK as they will eventually be finished and I'm really happy that I rescued them.
My first star is finished and I need to mark more stitching lines and keep going with them when I need portable hand stitching.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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