Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 This first quilt was made by a member of my quilting group and now it's finished it will be donated to Odyssey House.
 This lovely top was put together by one of AQA's queen of scraps and it's a great way to use up 2.5 inch squares.
 This top was also made from 2.5 inch squares and I must remember to jot down the pattern details as it will be a great way to use up some of my scraps too. Quilting these tops is fun as I get to see lots of lovely fabrics up close and get lots of ideas for future quilts.
I've also been busy working on a quilt for a niece's new baby. I pieced it yesterday and now have to add the borders, applique the baby's name on the top, quilt and bind it, all by next weekend. Hopefully I will get it finished, even if I have to sew at night again.
  Both boys are teething but we still had a fun week with lots of cuddles and we're grateful for every day we spend with them. I hope you've had a good week too.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Lovely work by generous ladies .Three more beautiful quilts for you to donate.
    Sweet baby quilt . Cobblestone blocks always look great.
    Poor little guys teething, hope they're better now.

  2. Very cute charitables! As you said lots of good ideas for future charity quilt projects. And i'd bet your nieces baby will Love her new quilt!cheers!
