Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 These 3 quilts were tops made by AQA, my quilting group, and I only needed to machine quilt and bind them.  It's very rewarding to be able to finish them off in readiness for donation. The first one is a wonderful scrappy quilt which uses up lots of older scraps of fabric. The bright blue sashing and borders helps to tie them all together.
The border fabric in the quilt below reminds me of passion fruit flowers . I love quilting these tops and seeing how others have cleverly used fabric and it's fun to work on different tops all the time.
I didn't finish any baby jackets this week as I've put together the donated crochet squares from Jo and Delys and combined with mine, there was enough to make a blanket so it will be donated to a group which helps the homeless.
   I've also been working on some of my larger UFOs and I will have a finish to share tomorrow . I hope you've all enjoyed some stitching time too.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Three more lovely finishes and the crochet squares will make a great blanket....


  2. Like your finishes, Jan. Well done.

  3. Bussy as ever the quilts and the snowphoto,s
