Monday, August 26, 2019

UFO Monday and Family Fun.

 The evenings in the past week have been spent working on this long term UFO as I love it and really want to finish it.  This will be one of the few quilts I keep for me. I had pieced up to the green centre and this week I made and added the outer flowers. I have one more of these to make and I will add this to the main piece when I have added the aqua and dark blue outer hexies.
 I'd forgotten how relaxing it can be to piece hexies together. I have a finished diamond to add to thd main piece and one more diamond to make and then a row of 4 hexies all around the main piece.
 Jake had his second birthday on Saturday and he was still recovering today. He's also cutting his final molars and was loving lots of cuddles and book reading.
 He celebrated Saturday with custard and "happy cake" after he ate his meat and veges. Custard is his special treat he shares with PaPa and a big incentive to eat those veges.
 This delightful little boy is 12 weeks old and today I found he has cut his first tooth. He'd been dribbling a lot and a bit unsettled off and on for the past couple of weeks and I did wonder if a tooth was coming as Jake had his first teeth at 4 months, but I was surprised to feel it today.
 He's a very chilled little boy who lives to smile, coo and sleep.
 Jake loves giving his little brother lots of "cuggles" and kisses.
It's hard to get them both smiling at the same time and looking in the same direction so you can imagine how many photos are taken on a daily basis.
It looks like being another productive week and I have Aidan's quilt top ready to quilt and 2 more tops basted for quilting tomorrow.
   My other UFO I want to finish ASAP is Jake's quilt with all his favourite things like "ladybubs", butterflies, birds, caterpillars and ants. I'm really going to prioritize that one this week and hopefully get the top finished. Check back to see how I went next Monday.
Hugs, Jan Mac
PS. Many thanks to everyone for your very kind comments. Xx


  1. I LOVE your hexi quilt, it’s coming along beautifully. It reminds me of a tiled floor in Spain or the Middle East. So pleased you are keeping this for yourself! Lovely photos of the little grandsons.😊

  2. Teething time, ugh. It's always tough on the little ones and parents alike. Love those happy little faces.
