Monday, August 5, 2019

UFO Monday - 23rd UFO Finish.

 Finding more UFOs to finish is an ongoing way of life at the moment but I'm welcoming the opportunity to finally finish up lots of stalled projects. This UFO was started a couple of years ago and it was going to be a pattern that I drafted based on an antique quilt in my collection. Since then I have seen quite a few similar quilts so decided it wasn't special enough to warrant another pattern so the project stalled.
 I was using lovely French General fabric in reds, white and beige, and I love the fabric but I had only made a few blocks. AQA, my quilting group, has it's Ruby Anniversary this year and the theme of our exhibition next year is "red and white", so I decided to finish the blocks as a table runner and return the remaining fabric to my stash for a themed quilt for our exhibition.
 The table runner will be donated for sale in the Peter Mac auxiliary shop and will help raise funds for their patient services.
It's great to have another UFO finished and I'm happy that I decided to change it's purpose so that it will be used. I'm also working on some of my larger UFOs and there is progress being made on this 1 inch hexie quilt so I hope to get it finished soon. I  always enjoy my sewing and quilting and I must admit that finishing so many UFOs this year has been even more enjoyable.
Hugs,  Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Someone will love the French general table runner..
    Pretty fabrics in your hexie project.
