Monday, July 22, 2019

UFO Monday.

 I haven't finished this UFO yet but it will be done in a day or two. After making the top many years ago it waited for quilting and I have finally been working on it today.
 This top was also found in the same box and it will be finished very soon too. It was donated as a much larger top which wasn't a good size for a donation top so I adjusted the size and now just need to stitch down some of the green stems then quilt and bind it so that should be finished as soon as I complete the stitching and make a backing.
 I have also returned to stitching this donated BOM for my quilt group. Once completed it will be donated too. Below is a photo of the central part of the quilt but I'm planning on altering some of the blocks and not adding an appliqued border as the quilt will be too large for a donation quilt.
 The last 2 photos are repeats of the quilts I shared in yesterday's post so you can fet a better idea of their colours. The sun was out today, although the wind was cold, so we had a long walk and then I managed to fit in some pin basting and quilting while the boys slept.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Three more great quilts to work your magic on...
    Much better photo of yesterday's finishes...
