Monday, July 8, 2019

UFO Monday.

 My motivation to finish more UFOs is continuing and I really want to get this quilt finished for Jake before I finish Aidan's first quilt so this one will be getting my focus this week. Today I made the pieces for the fox and fused it to the background .
 I still have more things to add as Jake loves caterpillars,  ants and ladybirds, and I guess that is why this quilt has languished as a UFO as I have to draw most of the animals and insects. One bonus with taking my time is that Jake is more aware of insects etc that I can add to his quilt.
 This unfinished top is also going to be another UFO I want to finish. It was donated years ago and it's very pretty but when I was going to quilt it I found that the applique still needed to have the stitching finished to attach it to the quilt.  It shouldn't take too long to finish once I find suitable thread which matches what has been used.
Hopefully I will have more to share soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. What fun to have Jake contribute ideas to his fun quilt...
    The UFO will be lovely when you have worked on it ....

  2. I just love that baby quilt--how sweet--
    luv, di

  3. A lovely babyquilt ,is there a pattern ? i like to youse it for my charity quilts.
    hugs Marijke

  4. This is working out beautifully. Great that Jake is contributing his ideas. A future Quilter perhaps?

  5. Beautiful appliques, for both quilts!
