Monday, July 29, 2019

UFO Monday- 22nd UFO Finish.

I did get this UFO finished and it's my 22nd UFO finish for the year. It's lovely to see so many of my old UFOs being finished and ready to donate and I keep finding more so I need to keep working on them.
  I made this top ages ago and I think it was too narrow so I added borders to the sides. Possibly I intended to add them to thd top and bottom but I couldn't find the same fabric and it was large enough at this size so I have finished it and it's ready to be donated to brighten someone's day at Peter Mac.
Now I need to get some more quilt tops basted and get busy quilting again while this afternoon is free.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. 22nd UFO finish! That’s amazing. Love the red and yellow together, a lovely cheerful quilt. Sorry to hear the boys have been off colour, hope they’re fine now.

  2. Gee 22 finished UFO , well done Jan.
