Monday, July 1, 2019

UFO Monday - 16th and 17th Finishes.

 This should be called UFO week and not just UFO Monday as I have been working on finishing UFOs all week. I started with these 4 blocks last week, adding sashing and 2 of the 4 borders.
 This week I finished the top and it's also quilted and ready to be donated to Peter Mac auxillary shop for sale. I have lots of these small sets of blocks which aren't enough for a large quilt and rather than continuing to make extra blocks, I will make them into lap quilts for sale by Peter Mac. The Tilda fabric for the border was donated by a Peter Mac patient with the request that it be used for items to sell in their shop.
 This UFO was started 20 to 25 years ago. It was a panel which had very little fabric on top and bottom and too much on the sides. I had started to piece borders for top and bottom by piecing some I had cut from the sides. I didn't have an immediate need for a baby quilt so it was never finished and I found it while looking through a box of odd blocks. It didn't take long to finish and add extra borders and it will be donated for sale too.
 I also found a panel piece of fishermen, suitable for a male's quilt and have combined them with some leftover blocks to make a lap quilt which should be finished by next week.
 These tea themed blocks were also discovered and will be one of my next UFO finishes.

 These 4 larger blocks will also be used for another UFO to be finished soon.
It's great to be clearing out some orphan blocks and bits and pieces as well as making quilts which can raise funds or bring comfort where they are donated. I'm loving getting some of my old UFOs finished too and plan to keep going as well as quilting more donated tops and finishing off donated QAYG blocks, so life is busy but rewarding.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. You’re really on a roll! Love the finished quilts. Those tea time blocks will make a great quilt. Well done.

  2. Hi Jan youv,e been so bussy the last weeks ,its all for a good course
    I,m still bussy clearing my stuf since I moved 3 weeks ago.
    Hugs Marijke
