Saturday, July 20, 2019

21st UFO Finish.

 Like a lot of my UFOs this one didn't take too long to finish as it just needed the fused appliqued flowers to be stitched down. My preferred method of applique is hand stitched needle turn but I am using the feature on my sewing machine to stitch a lot more of these quilts which will be donated and it's much quicker. Once the applique was stitched down, it didn't take long to piece a backing and get it quilted. It's great to have finished 21 for the year, so far, but I also need to do some work on those UFOs needing lots more work. On those I'll settle for making progress instead of a finish.
 We've had a lovely week with our 2 little grandsons and Jake is fascinated by my crocheting and is keen to have a go himself. He's also very happy to follow PaPa around and supervise his work like changing batteries or putting together a new doorbell. It's lovely to see their relationship develop as they share special moments. Jake must feel like he's learning a lot too as he's removed the back of their TV remote and tried to change their batteries too.
Little Aidan is 7 weeks old now and sharing lots of smiles and becoming much more aware of us all, but sleep is still very high on his list of favourite things to do.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jan with all your finishes... I always machine buttonhole my applique, especially for quilts that will be washed a lot.
    LOL Clever Jake helping change batteries...
    Aiden is a cutie...
