Sunday, June 23, 2019

Not Just Quilts.

 The bag is made from a kit donated to me by Peter Mac and it will be sold in their auxillary shop.  I modified the pattern a bit and added the front pocket. The rest of the pattern had smaller drawstring bags but I think the larger bags or zippered pouches will be more useful so will use the remaining fabric for that.
 I managed to finish knitting 2 baby jackets also for sale by Peter Mac and I have started another one using the same pattern. Knitting the same pattern multiple times really does make it quicker and there's enough variation for me not to be bored.
I made 2 more fleece chemo hats in smaller sizes for Peter Mac to either donate or sell. Check out the cute "hand made" label I attached. I have more cut out ready to sell and will get them sewn quickly.
      There was a distinct lack if progress this week and I am really annoyed as I have been too sick to sew. Being perfectly well, I decided we needed to have flu vaccinations so we had them and I have been in bed for the week as a result, with flu symptoms as severe as getting the flu. I had a similar reaction about 4 years ago but was working nights at the time and thought it might have caused the excessive tiredness, no appetite etc. Luckily DH had no reaction at all but I think I won't have it again, even though it's recommended, as it might be my history of chronic fatigue that has caused a more severe reaction. Either way I am very annoyed that I have lost a week and been bed ridden by a reaction to a vaccine. I'm back to bed again now but hope to get back to sewing soon.
Stay well everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. How vexing to react so badly to the flu vaccine, I can understand your decision not to have another one. My brother-in-law had bad reactions in several occasions. Hope you are fully fit now. Love those baby jackets, a very pretty pattern.

  2. I had the flu vaccination last month. I have been in bed for the past 5 days with the cold. The dr says if I hadn't had the flu shot I could have been much worse. Take your time and don't overdo it.youll be right.

  3. Hope you much better after the bad reaction after the flu shot. My hubby won't have one again after the same thing as you...
    A very handy bag you made. The knitted jackets are lovely and cute chemo caps....
