Friday, June 7, 2019

More Generous Donations.

 I have such wonderful blog readers who support these quilt projects and I really appreciate all that you do to help the needy. This beautiful quilt top was donated by Jenny B. from New Zealand and it will makd a treasured gift quilt for Peter Mac  so I plan on quilting it very soon.
 Delys R. from Western Australia has also very generously sent another parcel of goodies. The pile of beanies for New Guinea is growing with the addition of these 5 from Delys.
 She also sent 41 QAYG blocks in pretty feminine colours and 14 suitable for males. Delys must have known that I have been working on making more quiots from donated QAYG blocks and these will be used up very quickly too.
 Delys also included some fabric and bias fabric strips which will be used up in future projects and add more variety to my scraps.
These are the blocks Delys included for the male's quilts.
Many thanks Jenny and Delys for your continued support of my quilt projects and helping to bring comfort to more people in need.
     I'll share some photos of finished quilts soon as well as a denim bag I made for sale in the Petef Mac auxiliary shop. It was fun to have a play with a different project for an hour and make something useful from my scraps. I try not to waste too much time on social media but I have enjoyed getting ideas for items to make for sale, by browsing Instagram and Pinterest. I need to get back to my cross stitch too but at the moment baby knitting is taking up my spare television viewing time.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Fabulous gifts, love the quilt top from NZ, great beanies and QAYG blocks. Scraps too. You will be busy finishing the lovely star quilt and making the strip blocks into quilts.

  2. Jenny's donated flimsy will Quilt up beautifully for someone at Petter Mac.
    Great Beanies , QAYG blocks as well good scraps from Delys too.
