Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 It's been another busy week with crocheting blanket squares and some baby knitting but I did get these 2 lap sized quilts finished for Peter Mac. They asked for some smaller quilts which would be suitable for patients in wheelchairs so I finished these and I have also been busy finishing off a couple of UFOs which I will share soon.
 This little baby's cardigan was another finish this week in time for the impending arrival of Jake's little brother, so not as much quilting but still pottering along with my many projects.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. The two QAYG quilts are lovely... sweet cardi for the new arrival...

  2. Exciting time for you waiting for the arrival of your new grandson. Lovely knitted jacket and 2 quilts as well. Sounds a busy and productive week.

  3. I love the way your strip blocks look. So pretty.
