Thursday, May 9, 2019

News From New Guinea.

 I received these lovely photos of the kids in New Guinea wearing the beanies we sent. They live in the Highlands and as you can see they were very happy with their new and warm beanies and I hooe you are able to recognize the beanies you made.
The beanies and blankets were distributed by one of my niece's friends, who volunteers at the maternity ward of the hospital and various other community projects.

 She wrote that she could see a lot of joy and thankfulness when she distributed the beautiful beanies, crocheted blankets and quilts. She distributed them in remote areas and focused on widows and their kids. She also distributed some to new mothers at the hospital .
She finished with "Thanks again for the many beanies and blankets! May God reward all the women who knitted them!"

I hope the lovely blog readers who sent beanies can see the joy on the faces of the children and know that they have made a difference to their lives. I'm waiting to hear if we are able to send more over this year so if you like to knit I know that there are many groups here and in New Guinea, who would love to distribute them to the needy.
Many thanks for your ongoing support with these projects to help the needy.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. What wonderful photos, Jan. Really makes your heart feel good to see the delight on those cheerful smiling faces. A great reward for everyone’s efforts and your organising.

  2. Such beautiful photos of the kids with their beanies on... love the little guy with a beanie on and no shirt.....
    I'm only a basic knitter but may need to do a few beanies to send to you for the kids...

  3. That was a really good story and the reason we make things for charity
