Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cross Stitch Tuesday.

 Well I didn't manage to finish the block this week as I've been busy knitting and sewing for the arrival of our expected second grandson. He should be here in a week or two and I am still making some last minute jackets for him as well as some items for the nursery.
     At least the cross stitching is finished and I only have the outline stitching and beading to add.
 Looking at last week's photo you can see that I have made progress, even though I didn't finish it.
Soon it will join these other finished blocks. We're having lovely sunny autumn days and Jake is having fun running in the back yard and picking flowers while I hang up washing. It's lovely to be able to enjoy some simple pleasures of being outside.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Always good to get a few stitches done but it's nice to get some knitting and new things make for the new Bub.
    Great fun to be out and about with Jake.
