Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Weekly Catch Up.

 A really productive week meant that I quilted 5 tops for AQA to donate for their Gift Quilt Program.  I finished most of them on Saturday and really felt like I was on a roll. Then Sunday morning I was sick with the Rotavirus AKA stomach flu so nothing has happened since.

I've had no choice but to rest and recover so hope to have some more finished quilts to share soon. I will skip UFO Monday this week as I'm not up to taking photos etc, but hope to be back in action soon. It's school holidays here at the moment and luckily we don't have Jake to look after so I can just take time to recover, but I'm very annoyed to be sick when I had so many things planned.
Maybe next week will be better.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. You amaze me how many quilts you get done but now it's time to rest and get well soon.

  2. Poor you! These attacks are dreadful. I've had Norovirus twice and it's horrible. Look after yourself. Lots of R& R . The quilts you finished look great.
