Monday, April 15, 2019

UFO Monday- 3 Finishes This Week.

 Being sick this past week slowed me down a bit but I was really wanting to make some progress with my UFOs while we were having a break from child minding during the school holidays, so it was great to get 3 long term UFOs finished.
Ý This 5th UFO was made from donated blocks which have been waiting their turn to be used for about 10 years. It's been made from donated and orphaned blocks and a bright binding helps to tie them together.
 The 6th UFO finished was also made from donated orphan blocks as well as some I made to match and make a larger quilt. A bright border helps to give them a lift of colour.
The 7th UFO was made from a set of donated aeroplane blocks I received about 10 years ago. I made alternate blocks and the addition of a border has made a much better quilt. I'm using up lots of stash for these UFO finishes and with this last one , I used the reverse of the fabric for the borders as it had silver stars and detracted from the blocks. Getting these old UFOs finished, as well as using up older fabrics from my stash, has kept me motivated to get more finished, out of the cupboards, and donated. Now I have recovered, I'm planning on getting more boxes emptied and UFOs finished so check back soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. My goodness you have worked hard this week - 3 finished UFOs. Well done. All different too.

  2. Getting the old UFOs out of the way is a relief. You have created really nice quilts once again.

  3. Sew good to get your UFOs done and they look great...
