Thursday, April 11, 2019

Many Thanks Again Linda A.

 Linda A. from the UK, and currently holidaying in New Zealand, has been very busy crocheting and has sent another lovely selection of crocheted squares to be used for blankets for the needy. They will look lovely with the squares I have made this week so I hope to have another finished blanket to show and donate very soon.
Linda also sent an orphan block which is very fortunate as I am sorting through my pile of blocks to reduce the pile and get some more quilts made.
     Thank you so much for your continued support of my donations to the needy, Linda. All of the warm items donated make such a difference to the people supported by organizations helping the homeless and the Peter Mac Cancer Centre and Anglicare are thrilled with the donated quilts.
 Many thanks to everyone for their support.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Great to know the parcel arrived safely. Posted to you the day before we started our journey home. Now back and settling in to life here again. Temperatures are very much colder than NZ as you might guess. Woke up to a thick frost this morning!
