Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Cross Stitch Tuesday.

 I was very surprised to see how much I had managed to stitch in just a week as I have also been spending time knitting and crocheting. It really helps to have a weekly accounting of progress with these UFOs and as you can see from last week's photo below, I am almost up to the border, beading and outline stitching.
 There are 12 of these blocks to stitch as they represent the months of the calender. I have completed 6 and will have 5 more to stitch when I finish this May block. I  have also found more finished cross stitched pieces which need to be made into finished items so there will be more cross stitch UFOs in my future for a while and my DD woukd like me to stitch a cross stitch piece for Jake with his birth details. I need to create the pattern first so that is still brewing in my mind.
Too many things to work on but at least I am never bored.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. You did get a lot of stitching done Jan...
    I did a gorgeous Peter Rabbit and friends birth cross stitch for my GD . She's 19 and still loves it.
