Monday, March 4, 2019

UFO Monday.

 I've had a quieter week with my quilting as Jake has been sick and wanting to be cuddled as he slept. Hopefully I will have more time soon but will probably be hand stitching while he sleeps as he has become aware of the noise from the sewing machine, and interrupting his sleep.
   Therefore I  decided to work on  hand applique UFO.  This kit was left in our AQA Gift Quilt supply cupboard and it appears that one of our members decided not to make it. A couple of blocks had been stitched and this block below was already prepared for stitching. It was designed by Robyn Ginn, called "On the 8th day, she quilted".
It's a large quilt and the kit would be worth a few hundred dollars so I thought it should be finished so it can be donated. I don't think I will applique the borders and will use just fabric for those. I enjoy hand applique so it will be an enjoyable UFO to finish while I continue to look for more of my hand applique UFOs I want to finish.
   It's a big project to finish so I am adding it to my own UFO list.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Such a treasure to be found in the giveaway box.. pleased you found it and are working on finishing it..
    Do hope Jakes well soon....

  2. What a beautiful quilt .hope Jake is much better now.Hugs Marijke
