Sunday, March 10, 2019

Five More Finished.

 These 5 quilts are all tops made by members of my Melbourne quilting group, AQA, and they will all be donated. The first quilt is a lovely use of 5 inch charm squares and I love the aqua and white with it.

 This is another lovely use of scraps.
 An eady scrappy quilt using random squares.
 This one is a lovely scrap quilt too set in a "brick" pattern. The pieces are 4.5 x 8.5 inches with 4.5 inches square the size of the half bricks.
This larger quilt will be ideal for a male and will probably go to Odyssey House as they have requested some with Aboriginal fabric for some of their clients. They are presented when the client graduates thtough drug rehab and the quilts are really appreciated as a recognition of their success.
I quilted and bound 3 more tops today but they will be shown later in the week.


  1. Howdoyoubaste yourquolts rwady for quilting.

  2. Congratulations on all of your finishes. You support so many good causes.
