Monday, February 25, 2019

UFO Monday - 2nd Finish for 2019.

 I'm very happy to have my second UFO finish for the year and feel encouraged to get more of mine finished. 
 This half inch hexagon project was at this stage at the end of January and it was made as a reproduction of an antique doll's quilt.  I have a few half inch UFOs on the list so, although it's a small one, it's great to get another finish.
 As part of my plan to work on larger UFOs I'm also making these half inch hexie flowers for the centre of my Insanity quilt. I started it in 2014 when we traveled to Europe but I foolishly also started another large half inch quilt, La Passion, at the same time and I should have focused on one at a time. I'm also not sure if I will follow the original pattern now with the mosaic border of hexies, so I am going to work on the centre first and then make decisions about the borders as I complete each section.
Here is the light of our lives. I will probably have more time for quilting in a couple of months time when his mum is on maternity leave but we will miss seeing him every day.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. A cute finish Jan and that small hexie quilt is insane to work on but will be gorgeous when done...
    Jake is such a cutie, guess you'll be having two wee ones to look after soon. 😁
