Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Beginnings.

The start of a new year gives us time to consider what we have achieved in the past year as well as what we hope to achieve in the coming year. I have lots of scraps of fabric needing to be cut into usable sizes. The boxes of pre-cut squares are also full and I have collected lots of good used men's shirts from Thrift shops, as recommended by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville.
       I'm happy with what I achieved quilt-wise last year, although I think I forgot to add the tops I had made from blocks. Lol.  As well as sorting my scraps I need to use up the pre-cut squares before cutting more from the scraps.
    To use up the men's shirts I've been acquiring  I decided to start making blocks or they will take over my storage area. Bonnie's web page has lots of examples of hef use of thrift shirts and they are ideal for quilts for males.
   I have chosen a 12 inch block of Jacob's Ladder , as shown on the web page of Quilters Cache. It's an easy block to make and it looks great in any colours. It's also quite a graphic block which also appeals to men.
   If anyone wants to join in and make a couple of blocks I would be happy to put them together into quilts. I think I will also make some in feminine colours to use up some of that fabric.
       Of course I will still be making and using QAYG blocks and quilts,  finishing donated tops and blocks, as well as finishing more of my UFOs to donate. I finished 6 last year so hope to do at least as well this year. In the meantime I hope that this will help me to tidy up my sewing room but I think I will also need to cull more magazines etc and do a general tidy up. That should take care of this year! Lol.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love your new block, looks great in shirt fabrics. I've tidied my sewing room too, my husband remarked this morning he had never seen it look so tidy! Trouble is it will get into a mess again as soon as I start a new or UFO project. At least I now know where everything is!

  2. Love the block .I use this pattern a lot .I will make some for yoy aswell Jan .got loads of shirts.finished 3 quilts with this fabric
