Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cross Stitch Tuesday.

 Well Jake's Christmas stocking still isn't constructed as the excessively hot weather we've been having has stifled my creativity. There's been more quiet reading happening than stitching too.
   I have been going through my cross stitch boxes looking for more UFOs and haven't found many of them yet but the one piece I found no longer appeals to me. I had only stitched about 1 inch square of a large piece and realized that I no longer wanted to stitch it. It's been quite freeing to assess my cross stitch stash and sell off or donate kits and charts that have been waiting too long for me to start stitching them. Selling them on has been rewarding too. Not necessarily financially, but sending them on to others to enjoy has made me much happier than having boxes of stuff I have no time for.
        I have other UFOs that I do want to finish when I find them so I will gave to jeep looking. In the meantime I found a Lizzie Kate needlecase kit which I decided to stitch. Like many others, I have been watching Marie Kondo's Netflix show Tidying Up, and it is inspiring me to downsize my craft things again. I'm also going through stored boxes and donating or tossing paperwork etc. We moved here 12 months ago and the boxes which didn't get unpacked are mainly quilting and craft items so I need to sort through what I have so I can use it and reduce the amount of boxes that I have stored in the garage.
   All of this week is going to be hot but it's still not as hot as where we lived on the farm so I will just keep working my way through the boxes.
Stay cool in the Southern Hemisphere and enjoy your cooler weather if you are in the North.
Hugs,Jan Mac


  1. It is nice to clear out projects we don't want to finish , i have also been doing that.
    So far we haven't had really hot weather but it usually comes in Feb....

  2. Nice to clear everything out .I will start doing it as soon as I find another house .now I,m making a lot quilts from my stass,so I dont have to move them again.
