Monday, January 28, 2019

Busy Times.

 Despite the hot weather we've been having I have been busy basting tops and getting them finished. This first quilt was made from a set of 7 donated blocks which I added to by making another 5 blocks to make the top large enough. I don't think you can pick the different blocks I added and I'm pleased with the result.
 I finished another QAYG quilt thanks to generous quilters making these lovely blocks.
 This top was donated and is a great I Spy quilt for a child. It's great to have another finished quilt to donate.

These star blocks were donated by quilters from around the world and I am very happy to be able to use up more donated blocks. It was worth melting under the quilts to get more finishes. This last quilt was made from blocks donated by Sue McP.  from Victoria and it looks better in real life than in the photo. We were a bit rushed getting the photos taken. Lol
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to see my eye spy quilt finished Lesley Lowe
