Monday, December 31, 2018

It's A Wrap For 2018

I don't usually tally my finishes for the year as I'm usually too busy quilting but thought I'd do a count back for the year.

I quilted 73 tops for my quilting group, Australian Quilters Association.

I finished 6 of my UFOs.

I made and finished 22 quilts for family or donation.

I quilted 27 donated tops.

I received 13 donated and finished quilts for Quilt Projects I support with the help of my blog readers.

We donated 5 crocheted blankets.

I finished 32 quilts from QAYG blocks (mostly donated blocks).

We donated 114 quilts to Peter Mac Cancer Centre and 35 to Anglicare.

Thta's a pretty good result for the year seeing my sewing time as been taken up by our treasured grandson. Of course a lot of the credit must go to those lovely quilters who have donated quilts, tops, blocks and QAYG blocks.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and get more UFOs finished than you start next year. I finished 6 which was pretty good and I still have lots more to discover as I unpack more of my quilting supplies. I didn't start any new either so I am making progress but I need to sew faster. LOL.
See you all next year.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. WOW that's a great tally Jan ....All the best for 2019 and hope you get to do lots of sewing ....

  2. All I can say is "WOW"--
    Happy New Year- Diane
