Saturday, July 21, 2018

Arrival of Treasure Troves.

 My stash has received a lovely infusion of new UFOs with the arrival of 2 large boxes of goodies to finish and donate. Sue Mc from Vic sent a fabulous large parcel of lots of bits and pieces to be finished and donated. The first photo shows these lovely embroidered blocks which are ready to be made into a quilt and will be cherished by a little girl.
 This lovely cat top just needs to be quilted and will make a lovely cot quilt for Anglicare.
 These beautiful cross stitched blocks have been beautifully stitched and the theme is cars, planes, tractors, etc so it will be lovely for a little boy.
 There are 3 lovely crazy blocks to add to some of mine for donation.
 Some lovely QAYG blocks which will join the current blocks I have on hand and make more lovely quilts.
 A lovely Christmas panel of the nativity scene which I will probably cut up and combine with light coloured fabric, so it will be appropriate for all the year.
 Some fabric and lovely heart embroidered blocks were also included as well as some QAYG hexagons which will also be used in quilts for kids. Such a lot was stuffed into the parcel Sue, and I plan to get some finishes from them very soon. Thank you so much for your generous donations.
 I also received a large box of donated signature squares from an onljne quilting group's retreats. I belong to the group and have been to some of the retreats so I knew that I can use them for donation quilts, as I have done in the past. There is a different theme for each retreat and those who wish to swap pair a 6.5 inch square of fabric in a colour to match the theme, as well as a 6.5 inch square of cream fabric that they decorate with their name, State etc. There are blocks from 7 retreats which means lots of fabric to use. Firstly, I separate all the signature squares and take off any buttons or decorative items which have been attached. As these squares show people's names, I usually use the back of the block so you can't read the name, as well as cutting them up.
 The photo below shows blocks from one retreat which had an autumn theme and we sewed two 4 inch blocks, folded diagonally, across the 6 inch signature block. You can see one in the photo above. As none of the cream or 4 inch blocks were cut, it's been easy to unpick the stitching and I will have a large pile of 6.5 inch cream squares and 4 inch fabric squares so I will select a quilt block and remake them.
 You can see I will have lots of fabric to use so I am sorting them into colours and themes as I take them apart. Ann B. from Vic. very kindly passed on the unwanted swap blocks and I plan to select a block, like Sawtooth Stars, and make lots of blocks from them, adding from my own stash as well.
In the meantime, I am taking some time to work on these while I put my feet up and recover from my head cold. I have several quilt UFOs I want to finish but they are so old that another week or two won't matter.
Thanks gor stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Looks like you have a lot of sorting and sewing to do, enjoy doing it whilst you recover from the cold.

  2. That's a lovely Pandora box of goodies to make into quilts.

  3. You are simply amazing Jan.....good on you! x
