Sunday, June 17, 2018

UFO Excitement.

 While looking for fabric to make sashing and binding for QAYG blocks, I found an old UFO. It's probably my oldest one and I started in in the mid 1990s in a class. I loved the Hoffman sky fabric at the time but now I feel like there's too little contrast. I guess it shows how limited our fabric choices were then, and my tastes have certainly changed now.
   The project stalled because there was a large hand appliqued block of flowers, set on point, for the centre,  with more blocks around it. I liked most of the individual blocks, especially the appliqued ones, but I didn't like most of the pinwheel type blocks which were supposed to be alternate blocks as there wasn't enough contrast.
I think there are more blocks somewhere but I only found 8 so far. I decided to make another block and finish it as a lap quilt. Each block is 14 inches in size so it will be large enough without sashing.
I should have used a fabric with more contrast for the small star points but it looks ok with the others.
Today I added borders,  made a backing and binding and have it ready to quilt this week. I think it will look better when it's quilted and hopefully someone will appreciate it. Even better, it will be  long term UFO finished and out of the cupboard,  as well as using up more fabric.
While I was looking for some of the fabric I'd used, I found another 2 UFOs which was a real bonus. This one was a wholecloth quilted vest and I had started to hand quilt it. I had drawn feathers and cross hatching and I enjoy hand quilting but I won't be wearing a hand quilted vest so I have pulled it apart and will use the fabric for more quilt blocks.
I pin basted it so I must have thought I would quilt it quickly but it has sat in the cupboard for 25 years or so and it can come off my UFO list.
Another exciting find was another quilt top which I had started about 25 years ago too,  and even better,  I found the rest of the material so I can finish it. That will be my next project after I finish the pink and grey quilt.
     I'm so happy to have found some old UFOs which I can finish and donate as well as downsize and create more room in the cupboards.  Who knew thst finding old UFOs would be so exciting.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. What lovely finds! I think your choice of the deep salmon pink fabric has really brought your first UFO to life. Someone will love this as a gifted quilt. Isn't it funny how our tastes and colours/fabrics change over the years? My colour choices have got brighter and brighter! Continue to enjoy tackling those UFOs.
