Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Grannies Shine.

 While the Commonwealth Games are on here in Australia I have been busy crocheting Granny squares as well as joining them together into blankets for Medivac patients in New Guinea. The first blanket was made from squares donated by Linda A. from UK/NZ. Linda has become addicted to making them and has been crocheting up a storm. They are so colourful and will be loved as well as keeping
patients warm.
The second blanket was made from squares that Linda A. also made as well as some from me.  I like to make them while watching TV as I can make them without watching what I  am doing, unlike sewing. The Games are still on for a week so I hooe to keep going with them, and after that I will be making them while the AFL football games are on.
Many thanks for your help with these Granny squares, Linda. It's been a huge help to get more blankets made.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

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