Tuesday, March 27, 2018

More Finishes To Share.

 These tops were all made by members of my quilting group and I quilted them for our Gift Quilt Program. The first 2 were originally one large quilt which I divided into 2 as it was too large for our purpose.  Luckily I had enough navy paisley fabric to make new borders for the second top.

 We had stockpiled about 120 tops as well as making new ones so I, along with other members, have been focusing on quilting tops, especially those which have been sitting in the cupboard for a few years. Lol. It's surprising how much better the older tops look when they are quilted.
I have more tops pinned for quilting so I should have more to share soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. You are really rattling through your pile of Quilts. I have never made a rail road quilt, but every time I see one on the Internet I think how attractive they are and that I should make one too. Well done.

  2. You are all doing an amazing job... The quilts look great and be loved by a special person.

  3. Lovely quilts again Jan ,
    Wish you a Happy Easter .
    hugs Marijke
