Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Week of Changes.

 This past week seems to be much shorter than others, or else I'm just slowing down. I did get 2 quilt tops quilted and bound so that was better than nothing. The tops were made by members of my Melbourne quilting group and will be donated to either Peter Mac or Anglicare.
 I also finished off a crocheted blanket and knitted beanies for New Guinea and will share those photos soon. I'm sorting through knitting UFOs to see what I xan repurpose or finish,  as well as finishing off a special cross stitch piece.
Jake and his parents are visiting his other grandparents in the US and we are cat sitting for  them. I have to keep the 2 cats out of my sewing area and I have found it harder to spend time in there getting more sewing done. It was also a busy week with paid work and making flatpack cupboards and bookcases to give us more storage options.
   I guess we got quite a lot done and emptied lots more boxes too so I should be happy with our progress. While the family are away,  we are trying to get more things unpacked, sorted and/ or donated. I have heard of a group which will take donations of beds etc so I will contact them to see if they want our extra beds and washing machine. I'd rather donate them than try to sell them and families needing emergency accomodation is a worthy cause. I've also been giving retirement some serious thought as my time will be very limited once we start looking after Jake full time during the week. I wasn't  ready to retire before but I think it might be the right time now. My main focus will be on family but I still want to make and donate as many quilts as possible,  and fitting in paid work won't give me much spare time. I also want to finish off more UFOs this year and empty some of my fabric bins,  so it's probably time for a change  and spend more time at home.
  Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. You sound to have done a LOT in a week! Good idea to pass on unwanted beds and washing machine to people in need. Looking forward to seeing your finished blanket and beanies for PNG. Hope my QAYG blocks and crochet squares have arrived OK? Busy doing more crochet squares, loving it!
