Wednesday, February 21, 2018

UFO Progress.

I took 2 UFOs on our trip but ended up only unpacking one. Being forced to focus on just one meant that I got quite a lot done. You can see from the first photo where the project had stalled. The last 2 photos show my progress to date.
      I have started to add half stars along the sides and fill in the gaps. Doing a day sailing of 10 and a half hours back to Melbourne meant that I had more time to sit and stitch so I got a lot done then too. I even had another passenger asking for instructions as she loved what I was making.
     I made more stars while we were away and still have 3 to add. I need to make another 3 stars, or 9 if I decide to add another row. Once I have determined the size for the central part of the top, I will applique it to a border and then add another round of larger stars. DH can't believe I plan to donate this quilt to Peter Mac when there is so much hand piecing but I can always make another. I'm just happy to being completing another UFO.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Amazing progress, looking great. I agree with your husband, how can you bear to give this away when you have spent so much time hand sewing?

  2. Love it Jan ,I,m working on a simular one ,send a photo later ,
    hugs Marijke

  3. Great progress, you are so kind donating it after all your work....

  4. Been trying to email you requesting your new address so I can send some QAYG blocks and crochet Granny squares. Messages are failing to be delivered. Email I'm using is the one shown on your blog:
    Please let me know what your email should be. Thanks, Linda Ashworth (
