Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Results Are In.

 The sewing machine has been very busy while I get some more quilts finished and I have more quilts to share from those I've finished in between Christmas and New Year. I am working my way through more donated QAYG blocks and the first 2 quilts will be going to Peter Mac Cancer Centre. I need to focus on more quilts for males as they seem to be in fewer numbers.
 The next 3 quilts will be going to Anglicare for kids in Foster Care. I have boxes of 6 inch squares cut already and I am trying to work my way through them and get some more quilts donated.

I am still going through boxes and finding lots of bits and pieces but no UFOs yet. I want to get them finished and donated too so I can clear the cupboards out. I can see that this will be a constant refrain this year. Every year I want to finish off more UFOs than I start, and I usually do, but often they are other people's UFOs so I hope to get to more of mine as well.
 The start of a new year is a good time to get planning for future projects and I am trying not to start new ones, but uncovering more fabric is giving me more ideas for future quilts too. I'm also getting some hand stitching ready for when we are on holidays and of course I might have to try a few blocks to see if I like them. This is how UFOs happen!!
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Another lovely collection of quilts ready to donate. Well done! I understand what you mean about finding stash fabrics and being inspired to make other projects. My head is full of ideas but I'm trying to work my way through my list. We'll see what happens!

  2. THese are all beautiful quilts ,Jan .Youv,e done a great job again ,
    hugs Marijke
