Friday, January 26, 2018

Baby, Baby.

My DD has 3 friends having babies by February and decided to make quilts for them as they are very close friends. We've spent 3 days last week and yesterday, making the quilt tops. The first one is for a friend who is having a boy at the end of February and we just need to add the borders. Then when he has arrived and has a name, I will machine applique his name, quilt and bind it for her to gift. DD also made one for her friend's 3 year old son, but I stashed it away so need to take a photo when it's finished. She's happy that she is making a quilt for him so he won't feel left out when the baby arrives.
This quilt was made by me for my great nephew, Isaac. I just need to quilt and bind it and then make another one for his cousin, George. These are the 5th and 6th babies born in our extended family, and the 2 of the 6 babies born in the last 6 months, and my parent's great grandchildren. Five of the 6 were boys which was a surprise as we had more girls than boys in previous generations.
   This pretty pink quilt is for DD's maid of honour who is having a girl after 2 boys. Again,  once I know the name I will finish the quilt to gift. The blue one below is for DD's sister-in- law and she is having a boy after a girl. She wanted pastel colours too and is due in February.
The last set of blocks are for DD's son, Jake,  as she wanted to make him a quilt too. I am in the process of making one for him too but it's not finished yet so I will need to get it finished soon.
      I have been pressing and cutting the pieces while DD sews them together so we have worked fairly quickly. She now appreciates how much work goes into each quilt and had  only made 3 prior to this,  but she enjoys the time we spend together and being able to nake unique gifts for close friends. She is now trying different block patterns which is making it more fun for her.
        It's always fun to pass on quilting to the next generation as well as playing with fabric and design too. As it's been hot lately I am quilting and then swimming to cool down. I hope you're all enjoying some time stitching as well.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. How lovely that your joy of making quilts is now being taken up by your daughter. Lovely collection of quilts, you have both been very busy.

  2. It is such fun sewing with your DD. She's made many great quilts for the babies..Nice to have Mum there to help with the cutting and pressing..

  3. so nice to make quilts together
    ,they are all beautiful ,
    hugs Marijke
