Sunday, December 17, 2017

Warm Hugs for Christmas

 I have received another wonderful parcel of quilts to donate and these are such bright and cheerful quilts that they will be ideal for children undergoing treatment at Peter Mac Cancer Centre. These beautiful quilts were donated by Ann G. of NSW and will be treasured by the families who receive them. On their behalf, I want to very sincerely thank you Ann, for your very generous donation.
Peter Mac told me that sadly, more children will be needing their services over Christmas, so I have been quilting more tops to deliver to them by mid next week. I managed to pin baste and quilt 4 today so tomorrow looks like being a binding day.
   I am supposed to be decluttering still so quilting and donating tops counts, doesn't it? LOL At least some kids and adults will get some warm hugs from us this Christmas and my fabric stash and pile of tops will be diminishing, although that's not apparent at the moment. I still haven't managed to get to the box of Christmas decorations so we might we putting up a very small tree this year, but we will enjoy a family Christmas and I hope you all have your Christmas sewing finished and have time to put your feet up and rest.
We had a couple of days at the beach last week as we were baby sitting our beautiful grandson , Jake, while his parents attended a wedding. We stayed on for a couple of days and caught up with my bridesmaid and her husband as they have retired at Lakes Entrance. We've both been so tired after moving that after handing the baby back, we spent most of our time asleep. LOL
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Lovely quilts Ann donated.. you've worked hard again getting Quilts done to take to the hospital for those that need an extra hug.
    Nice to have babysat little Jake and have a few days away no wonder you both needed an long sleep.

  2. Two lovely quilts donated by Anne. You will be feeling happy to be making useful quilts at the same time as decluttering. Win, win situation. Hope you have a very Happy Christmas with your family.

  3. Great donation again ,Jan .Wish you and family a very Happy Christmas and a Happy 2018.
    what a joy to take care of Jake for a fewdays .
