Tuesday, November 21, 2017

So Long.

 Despite my best intentions it has taken me far too long to update my blog again. I will be very grateful when things settle down to a new normal. I have managed to finish another quilt for one of my niece's 4th child and only two more to deliver before the end of the year, but the quilts aren't started yet.
 I also finished quilting 3 more tops for my Melbourne quilt group and I have a few more to do before our meeting in December so we can donate them to the organizations we help.

I am emptying boxes and culling our possessions again as we still have too much stuff. I'm quilting tops as fast as I can as it's a good way to empty the shelves and use up fabric but I need to work faster. LOL. I also got new glasses as my eyesight has been noticeably deteriorating and I was shocked to find that I have a cataract, which explains my blurred vision at times. I guess surgery will be in my future too. I  was shocked as I thought I was too young for those problems but I guess time marches on. I have been working a few shifts in a nursing home for young people with acquired brain injuries, as my time allows, and only because I enjoy the interaction with the residents and staff.
   Thankfully the moving van is bringing the last of our heavier furniture this Thursday and we can finally get more settled. Of course we still have to go back and clean the farm house next week but it will be good to have Ray down here and I have spent most of my time in Melbourne since June, and he has been looking after the farm.
  I do see lots of boxes in our future but hopefully we can take some time off too.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. You are such a busy lady Jan and still manage to find time to help others...
    It was be sew nice for you when everything is in the new home and you can empty boxes at your leisure...
    Will pop a parcel in the post this week for you... Hugz XX

  2. Goodness me, you are so busy with your house move, downsizing, clearing etc, I don't know how you find any time to sew! I can imagine how satisfying it is to create new quilts from boxes of fabric you no longer feel you want to keep. I miss reading your posts so personally I will enjoy seeing them more regularly once your house move is completed. 😏
