Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Our Last Day on the Simpson Desert.

 After our beautiful sunset on the previous day we also had a fabulous sunrise for our last day crossing the desert. We started early so we would have an easier time crossing the last day's dunes as they are higher on the Birdsville side of the Simpson, and the sand is firmer if you start before the day warms up when the sand becomes much softer.
. We reached Poeppel's Corner where the 3 States of Northern territory, South Australia and Queensland meet and I took a photo of the original marker as i had taken photos of the modern version on previous trip.
 As we crossed one large sand dune we met a car which was traveling West (opposite to us), and they were stuck on a sand dune.
 The men got the recovery gear out to tow them off where they were stuck.

 Finally we reached Big Red, the largest sand dune in the Simpson Desert and the last one the scale before we reach Birdsville. If you are unable to drive up it, there are alternate routes but all the men love to have a play tackling the steepest slopes of Big Red. DSIL took the trailer off and had a ball tackling the slopes, after taking his pregnant DW up a more sedate version first. DD2 and I had fun filming and cheering them on.

 Even the kids love the have a play rolling down the dunes while watching the cars attempt to make it to the top.

It's one of our favourite places and we're thinking we might do it again next year.
 Hugs Jan Mac


  1. What a wonderful time on Big Red.. one of hubby's favorite places too....

  2. Very adventurous! Glad you all had a great time.

  3. How exciting. My husband is heading off through the desert in a month. My brothers, friends and hubby are going away for 2.5 weeks. 4 vehicles, 8 guys. I'm sure they will have fun. As will I at home sewing.. Loved your photos.

  4. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo,s ,hat a lovely holiday you had with daugther and husband .I have never seen a dessert but it looks amazing .Hugs Marijke

  5. what a wonderful journey and such lovely photos too.....thanks Jan xx
