Friday, June 30, 2017

An Insanity Break.

 Tomorrow we are off to cross the Simpson Desert, in the middle of Australia (for our overseas readers). We will be away for 2 weeks and I hope to be able to post some blog notes but we will be without internet access for a lot of the time.
   This week has been busy with cutting firewood for our DD who is house sitting for us, as well as packing and making lists of food etc we need to take. We haven't been away since this time last year when we crossed the Simpson but this time we are traveling with DD and her DH, and the prospective parents wanted to make the trip before the baby arrives. She is 31.5 weeks so hopefully all will be well. They are taking a camper trailer so she has extra comfort for sleeping and they are looking forward to the trip with us.
    I did manage to quilt a cot sized quilt without too many problems with my wrists but carrying the firewood probably didn't help. It won't hurt to be away from the quilting for another 2 weeks to make sure they are rested.
    I have been stitching my La Passion together and joining the smaller elements to the Mother Ship. It makes it an easy way to stitch when traveling without carrying too large a piece. I have prepped smaller elements to stitch while we are away and I have also decided to take my Insanity Quilt with us. It is also made from half inch hexagons and although it looks like I haven't done much,. I have stitched lots of the smaller elements and need to join them together. Hopefully there will be some time for stitching but I also find that I mainly have time for crocheting squares for blankets for the homeless, as I can do that while we are driving.
   I started a Facebook group called, The Insanity Quilt by Rhonda Pearce, with Rhonda's permission, about 3 years ago. I thought I might have 6 others interested but we have just reached 1,804 members internationally and here in Australia. I think it might be time to get more stitching done on my Insanity quilt and will see how much I can do in the next 2 weeks. Probably not a lot!
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. A cute baby quilt and I love ❤️ the bright colours in your Insanity....
    Happy holidaying with your DD and partner.

  2. All the best Jan and look forward to sharing your journey...just like ours!! Biggest hugs x

  3. have a lovely trip with your family and rest those wrists!!

  4. Safe travels, Jan. Hope you all have a great time. Hope your daughter is OK.
