Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Quieter Weekend.

I'm still resting from quilting while my arms recover so I have spent some time piecing instead. This top was made for the 70273 Project and was made from blocks donated by AQA friends. The crosses are to represent the number of disabled people who were murdered by the Nazis during an 18 month time period.
   There are several internet sites which give more information and there is possibly going to be an exhibition of these quilts at the International Quilt Festival in Houston this year. They needed the top by the end of June so it's good to have another finish crossed off my long list.
    My wrists are still aching at times, especially the left one, so I will postpone quilting for a bit longer and do some more piecing instead.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. a very touching quilt so good to see that these people are being remembered. Hope the wrists and hands feel better soon and you do not overdo the quilting again

  2. Oh dear, I do hope your wrists improve soon. Lovely top you have pieced in remembrance of such a horror.

  3. That will be quite the exhibition - very thought provoking. The quilt turned out so well. I hope the wrists feel better soon.

  4. Take your time with the resting, the longer the better, your arms and hands are the soul of your work. I haven't been allowed to sew since December and it is so disheartening watching others sew....but I know in the end I will be better for it. Time goes fast.
