Friday, May 12, 2017

Finshes To Share.

 I'm feeling a real sense of achievement and relief in having the Cat quilt finished and it has made me feel like getting some more of my UFOs finished. That is if I can find them as they have all been packed away. I can't wait to see my DD's reaction when I give it to her on Sunday.
 I also quilted 2 more tops made by members of my Melbourne quilt group and these will be donated to various groups such as Foster Carers, Anglicare and Peter Mac. It's always rewarding to donate quilts to comfort others and we are donating more at our Biggest Morning Tea this coming Monday in Melbourne. Email me for directions if you would like to come as we are always happy to welcome guests and it's for a good cause.

Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. lovely quilts I am sure your daughter will love her cat one. Shame I lived in Melbourne way back in 70s if still there would be coming to your tea party

  2. I'm impressed that you are finding time to sew in the midst of selling and moving house! Well done, Jan. 😊😊
