Monday, May 29, 2017

A Slower Weekend.

 I've been having some pain in my lower arms, probably due to too much man-handling heavy quilts through the sewing machine so I had a quieter weekend to give them a rest. I finished these cute little toys- a puppy and a rabbit, which will be going to Peter Mac to be sold in their auxillary shop to raise funds and hopefully someone will want to buy them.
 I also finished another little baby jacket for our expected grandson but I think I'll have to change the ribbon for white as it is too green. The colour is a soft mint green and will look nice with his growsuits.
 We also had a visit from a couple of our resident kangaroos. These aren't our largest ones and the male was very curious and despite seeing me watching him from indoors, he came closer to the verandah so I had a good view. I had seen some signs of them in my garden beds but was surprised that they came so close to the house.
His female had a joey in her pouch and hopefully you'll be able to see it if you blow the photo up. She's just to the right of the bush in the middle of the photo but a bit shy because she had her baby with her.
   Marijke, any size baby quilts would be fine. I usually make them 43"-45" square but they will also take them if theya are 32" x 45". We had some heavy rain over the weekend so everything is starting to get green here now.
Back to work. Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. You were wise to rest your arms before any major damage is done. The baby jacket is so cute, hope you don't mind me saying that ribbon or any ties on the neckline are a "real no no" these days due to the possibly of strangulation......a horrible thought I know, maybe just thread & stitch down some ribbon without the tie. Also, I have some QAYG blocks ready for you, where can I send them please, or would you rather I wait until you move. Take care 🌺

  2. Take care with your arms, Jan. Glad to see you have been resting them.

  3. Take care Jan, our arms are needed for what we love to do, I now realise that, after no sewing for 7 months and my hand op. When I am back to it, will do some Peter Mac quilt tops, they were brilliant when DD needed them.

  4. too much quilting will I am sure be the reason your muscles are aching. Good to have time out and the little animals are lovely. How good to have kangeroos in your garden but wonder do they eat your shrubs etc.
