Sunday, March 12, 2017

I'm Finally Back, Hopefully To Stay.

 Sorry I've been missing for so long but we have finally got the farm ready for sale. We have painted 5 bedrooms since Xmas and also had new carpet installed. The week the carpet was laid was the hottest week we've had. It was 42.5 degrees C (108.5F) and we had to move all the furniture out and then put it all back again. We were very happy to have that done! but it does look good and well worth all the effort.
  We should have it online for sale this week and in the meantime we will keep working on packing and sorting things we just dumped in our large shed. At least it will all be worth it as our DD and her husband are having our first grandchild, a Boy, and due in September. We are hoping to have sold and moved by then but sales can be slow in the country so we will see what happens.
   As part of moving the furniture etc we had to relocate my computer as well and that also meant I was unable to blog until it was all connected again. I have missed my sewing and blogging and yesterday was the first time I've had time for sewing since before Xmas. reading other bloggers has also been at a halt while were so busy too.
    It's good to be back though and I hope to have more time to focus on quilty things. I've also been contemplating re-opening my other blog at Oz Comfort Quilts as I have lots more quilts to finish and donate, from donated tops, blocks and fabric, and I have found two organizations near us in Melbourne who are very interested in receiving the Oz Comfort Quilts to distribute for us. Please let me know what you think? Or is it better to just keep everything here?
   Anyway I'll have more quilty bits and pieces to share very soon as well as some more finishes.
Hugs and thanks for stopping by, Jan Mac


  1. Glad to see you back online

  2. so good to see you back thought maybe you had abandoned your blog for facebook, so glad I was wrong as I do not do facebook, seems lots of bloggers have gone over to it but it was not for me did try but have left it now.. I am happy to see all your quilting etc on this blog though also happy to follow you onthe other one too. Best of luck with the house sale, do you plan too move far away or stay near Melbourne? Great news re grandson, my granddaughter will be 19 in april they grow up so fast. Whilst you were busy decorating I was able to quilt 9 quilts

  3. Good to gave you back and wishing you all the best for the sake of your farm.

  4. I always loved looking at the string quilts on your other blog. I never tire looking at pictures of your donation quilts.
    I hope it cools off soon. That's toooo hot for man, beast or plants.

  5. Hi Jan, nice to see you back have been very busy getting the place ready for sale. Good luck.
    Congratulations on the pending arrival of your grandson...

    Loved following Oz Comfort Quilts as well as this one....

  6. SO pleased to hear you are back on line. I was getting really concerned. I sent you an email some time ago as I have some QAYG blocks ready to post but not sure of your current address. Will resend now. Please RSVP so I know I am sending to the right address. Thank you,

  7. Glad to see you back. Have followed you since the fires and have missed you. We sent blocks from our small group here in Arizona, USA. I am in awe of all you accomplish for yourself and for others. Keep up the good work.
