Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Good Start.

 Yesterday was very productive with lots of packing and furniture moving so we can prepare another bedroom to paint. Each one that's finished looks so nice and fresh that the list of rooms to paint is growing. We have 5 bedrooms and we were originally going to paint 2 but I think now we will do all 5. It would have been a good idea to get them to paint their room before they left home. LOL
    As a break from moving furniture I quilted the first 2 donation quilts for 2017. The second one had been sprayed with glue and quilted, then the quilting had been removed and it was just bound and stuffed into the donation cupboard. When we had the big clean out of the cupboards I thought it was prudent to deal with all of those little jobs that get put to one side so I removed the binding and quilted it. I'm not a fan of the glue spray and I think that was why the project was shelved without being quilted, as the backing had a few creases. I managed to fix them and it's now sorted and ready to donate.
  The first quilt was also a donated top made by one of the members of my Melbourne quilting group and it just needs a binding. I'm going to machine stitch a binding on and leave it for a member to hand stitch it down as we have our Sit and Sew day in March, when we are working on Gift Quilts and many of our members love to sit and hand stitch so I have learnt to stockpile quilts needing some binding stitched for them as there never seems to be enough to go around. I plan to get some more done before then so there will be a big pile for the hand stitchers.
I am still hand quilting and have almost finished another smaller project to share tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by and also for your very kind comments. My Star Quilt will be finished before I go on to work on another UFO, so many thanks for your encouragement.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Goodness me! Where do you find the energy to do so much? Have you found the secret of the 30hour day? Confused with your bedroom painting- are you painting the old house or the new one?

  2. a lot bedrooms to paint Jan .looking forward to see the result.
    love the topquilt ,I made one simular a few years ago .send the photo on facebook .
    hugs Marijke

  3. beautiful quilts Jan .I made the top one a few years ago .
    love the pattern .

  4. Thanks friends for your lovely comments. We're painting at the farm as luckily the new house doesn't need anything done. Almost ready for the new carpet but we have 3 rooms to paint first.
