Thursday, December 22, 2016

This and That.

 Life still seems to be busy as we race towards Christmas. Or at least it feels like we are racing. I have quilted another donation quilt but forgot a photo so that will be next time. I may or may not have purchased some more vintage quilt tops needing repair.
 I am in the process of sewing skirts and dresses for DD2 and this is the first skirt. The second is almost done and the third will be cut out tonight. I also have a couple of dresses to make for her but we have been painting so I have less time and I'm more tired than I anticipated. We were going to pay for painters to do the work but once we emptied the room we realized that was the hard part done. We have thought we would start with one room and see how we go. Now that we have finished the first room we are getting the second ready for painting. We find it's manageable if we work for a few hours take a break and then do some more.
 When I need some time to take a rest, I have been attaching a new backing to an antique quilt from 1860-1880. The backing had completely shredded so I have been stitching a new one using a stitch similar to a big quilting stitch and it will give it more strength. Then I have some repairs to make to the blocks and a new binding to attach. Then she badly needs a good long soak in the bath.
She will be a treasured addition to my growing collection of vintage and antique quilts and I can't wait to take some photos once she has been cleaned. I have really enjoyed working on her as it gives me a chance to study her up close. She was quilted with white thread in the pink blocks and black thread in the pieced blocks. I hope she'll have another 100 years of life after my repairs, and I need to decide which one to work on next.
    It's been good to take some time for my own projects as I delivered the last donation quilts yesterday. Four of the larger QAYG quilts went to the homeless teens group and they were very happy to receive them.
I'd better get back to the dressmaking while I can.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Gosh, you are so busy, Jan! Don't know how you manage to do it all. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  2. Happy antiquing repairs and have fun dressmaking. So long as you are doing something that makes you happy it's all good...
    I have had such a busy day and am enjoying reading a few blogs.... have a great day/night.....

  3. do you have more than 24 hours in a day Jan ? your,e so bussy with everything .love the vintage quilts .Happy Christmas .hugs Marijke

  4. How fascinating your reclamation project is! When you say you are replacing the backing, are you stitching it on through all the layers or just stitching through the back and the batting? It looks like it'll be a real beaut after its "beauty bath"!
