Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Flurry of Finishes.

 I've been busy packing up my quilting books and shelves of fabric and it's a huge job. As I'm packing fabric I'm trying to remember where I put certain colours which I know will be good for bindings but once it's packed it won't be that easy to get it out again. Luckily I still have the "magic cupboard" with more fabric and I've been raiding that for bindings for these quilts.
 The first top was made and donated by Marg C. from my Melbourne quilting group. Marg does beautiful hand worked button hole stitch around the applique pieces and she has some very cute patterns she uses. A child will love this one and it will probably got to a child in foster care.
 The next three tops were all donated and I'm working hard to get more of them finished to be donated for Christmas.

 This top is simple but a child will love it and the fabulous jungle animal fabric.
The last one is a cot sized quilt which will welcome a new baby for a survivor of domestic violence. I'm back working nights again tomorrow but hope to get more packing and quilting done soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Lovely Quilts Jan .no you can see how much fabric you collected over the years .
    A lot work to move ,it will be nice to be closer to your daugther .hugs Marijke

  2. Well done, Jan. I am constantly amazed at how much time you manage to squeeze from your busy life to finish donation quilts. I am trying to imagine your juggling act: packing up to move house, working and then sewing donation quilts! Go girl!

  3. Beautiful quilts donated by caring folk and finished by you Jan..
    Good luck with your packing......
