Friday, June 10, 2016

Change Is Coming.

 We have decided to downsize and sell our farm while we are able to make the changes required and consequently I have also decided to sell my Design a Quilt short arm quilting machine. It sits on a custom made 12 foot table and I don't want to limit our house hunting to one which is large enough for the machine. It's an excellent machine for edge to edge quilting or meandering, which I mainly do on the donation quilts. I'm only asking $3,000, ONO, which includes the custom made table, bobbin winder and several pantographs.
     There is no way I will be stop making the donation quilts as I plan to continue with the QAYG quilts made from your donated blocks, and I use my industrial machine for those. It is an absolute work horse and a pleasure to use on these quilts. Having worn out two sewing machines on the few thousand quilts I've made, I won't be parting with this machine but it doesn't take up much more space than a machine set into a sewing cabinet. I also will still keep my other machine for my own sewing and quilting.
   It will be a big change to down size, and a lot of work, but I'm looking forward to the next chapter of our lives, with more time for doing the things we enjoy, so if you know anyone who would be interested in a quilting machine, please pass on my details to them.
Tonight, it was so easy to put this quilt together in three hours or so, using some of the many donated blocks you gave sent. I plan on getting more finished soon and put away to be given to groups supporting domestic violence victims and homeless teens.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. I am doing the same. Just sold my frame and table. It won't fit in the new house either...
    But I am going to give QAYG another try.

  2. Hi Jan, I'm getting to a stage where I can make some blocks for you, where can I find info on sizes, is there a particular batting & backing? Once I know what's needed I can get organised to help. A move sounds exciting & downsizing takes some thought, will you be staying in the same area as you are now? Take care, Annette

  3. Wishing you all the very best as you make some big changes.
