Monday, June 13, 2016

A Productive Day.

 The sun was out today and it was cool but lovely to have a break from the rain, although everything us very green  thanks to the rain. Even our kangaroos are enjoying having more green grass to graze on. The first quilt was a top I quilted for my Melbourne group's Gift Quilt Program and the second was put together from the donated QAYG blocks I've received. This quilt will be donated to the group helping homeless teens. Hopefully tomorrow will be as productive too.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Hi..
    Amazing work. I will be posting you some wool soon. I hope to be working on some QAYG blocks for you next week.

    I was wondering if you could help out with this cause. Just a post would do..
    Spreading the word is what we need..

  2. Well done, you have had a busy and productive day. Nice to spot some of my QAYG blocks in there. I love making the blocks but not keen on putting them together in a quilt, so thank you for doing that!
