Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wow! Another Very Special Donation.

 I received two huge postage bags stuffed full of tops, QAYG blocks and yarn from Jo L of Qld. Jo has been very busy sewing and has donated 9 quilt tops, of which some are shared here. She also sent 18 QAYG blocks as well as balls of yarn. Jo has requested that all of these be donated to groups which assist the needy from domestic violence situations and I know they will be thrilled to receive them for their clients. The beautiful top below has been stitched onto fabric foundations and it is a great way to use up lots of those smaller scraps and strings.
    Thank you so much for your very generous donations Jo as you have also given me a huge gift of time as I only have to quilt and bind these tops to get them donated. This past week has been busy with a work presentation for 30 years of continuous service for me, as well working more nights. I'm off to Melbourne to help with a sewing day for our Gift Quilt Program tomorrow and then back home again to work more nights so I hope to surface towards the end of next week.
    In the meantime, a very big thank you for all your generous donations and I'll post more finished quilts as soon as time and work allows.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. What a wonderful donation. You have some very generous followers, Jan. Congratulations on your 30 years of service award.

  2. That's a lovely donation. There are some wonderful people around...

  3. What a great gift Jan love them all .
    Hugs Marijke
