Friday, February 5, 2016

A Special Delivery From UK/New Zealand.

Linda A. is one of my blog readers from the UK and she also spends time in New Zealand. She has been a long time supporter of my Quilt Projects and has donated quite a few QAYG blocks over the years. This year is no exception and she has posted another parcel of 19 blocks, some are in the larger 12.5 inch size and the rest are 10.5 inches.
       They look fabulous and will "play nicely" with the blocks I have made too. Thank you so much for taking the time from your holiday to make and send more blocks for my Quilt Projects to help the needy. I hope you are enjoying a lovely New Zealand summer as well.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Thank you, Jan. I loved making them, as I always do working with strippy blocks. Making them also gave me the opportunity to tidy up my limited fabric stash here in NZ and finally move along some of those fabric scraps that have lurked here too long!

  2. So pretty and generous!

    I hope you had a great birthday.
