Sunday, January 10, 2016

QAYG With a Difference.

Today's finish was brought to you by Penel B. She has made a set of QAYG blocks going straight across the background instead of on an angle and a very pretty Rail Fence quilt is the result. They are still easy to join using the QAYG method and if you have a lot of longer strips it would go together quickly.
   I'm still recovering from night shift but it was great to have a pile of QAYG blocks to work with and get another quilt finished for Impact. We're into the very hot weather here so I'm trying to choose sewing I can do in front of the fan as well as air conditioning.
   Many thanks for your help Penel.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. lovely quilts Jan, as always very bussy .recived 3 of your blogs at the same time .what happened with our server I dont no .migth be all the frost we had .hugs Marijke
